John Aquila
JoinedPosts by John Aquila
What I would like to see soon!
by John Aquila ini would like to see one or better two members of the governing body get disfellowshipped and they both go off to write books like ray franz exposing the cult to all the sexual scandals, the hidden agendas with the stock market investments, the lawsuits, the laying of long time bethel workers, hidden sins by the higher ups and all the other nasty skeletons in the watchtower closet..
what would be different today compared to rays time is that we now live in a social media world..
they would be invited to talk in the oprah winfrey show, ellen degeneres show, the view, dateline.
What I would like to see soon!
by John Aquila ini would like to see one or better two members of the governing body get disfellowshipped and they both go off to write books like ray franz exposing the cult to all the sexual scandals, the hidden agendas with the stock market investments, the lawsuits, the laying of long time bethel workers, hidden sins by the higher ups and all the other nasty skeletons in the watchtower closet..
what would be different today compared to rays time is that we now live in a social media world..
they would be invited to talk in the oprah winfrey show, ellen degeneres show, the view, dateline.
John Aquila
I would like to see one or better two members of the Governing Body get disfellowshipped and they both go off to write books like Ray Franz exposing the Cult to all the sexual scandals, the hidden agendas with the stock market investments, the lawsuits, the laying of long time Bethel workers, hidden sins by the higher ups and all the other nasty skeletons in the Watchtower closet.
What would be different today compared to Ray’s time is that we now live in a social media world.
They would be invited to talk in the Oprah Winfrey show, Ellen DeGeneres show, The View, Dateline. It would be all over the internet, being accessed by all the mobile phones worldwide. They would be the joke on Saturday Night live and all the night time shows with skits making fun of their pious behavior.
The Watchtower would not be able to silence them like they did with Ray Franz. The scare tactic to stay away from apostate talk would not work anymore because there are too many outlets beside books written by apostates and one TV dateline expose.
It would be like Bill Cosby the father of Jell-O pudding finally getting caught with all the publicity. There is no escaping social media. The members would be too embarrassed to continue to be linked to the organization.
It would definitely be a huge blow like never before. Although many would still stay in, millions would start waking up, especially the young ones. There would be people fading like crazy and disassociating like never before. Parents who had shunned their kids for years would start making contact and apologizing and vise-versa.
I believe that would start the demise of the Watchtower into a very small religious cult never to rise again into a powerful controlling mega-business cult.
Anything can happen these days which is why I say, never say never.
My fade might well start today.
by StarTrekAngel inmany here whom have read my previous posts know more or less my situation.
wife is not hardcore but we still bump heads from time to time.
if it wasn't for this cult, and while it was not an issue, we had an almost perfect marriage.
John Aquila
From my standpoint, your situation looks pretty good. In other words there is hope.
My ex-wife would not compromise for anything. She was a hard core pioneer. She would have never bought a lottery ticket just because the WT said it was wrong. She would have never agreed to therapy. She would have called the elders for action immediately if I outright said I didn’t believe in the WT anymore. All I said was, “The Blood doctrine has changed” and she was out the door after 25 years.
So to me, you situation looks pretty promising that she will wake up.
Good luck!
The Angels will guide a nuclear bomb away from the Governing Body!
by John Aquila inthis is one major reason why i dont try to wake up anyone anymore.
they need to take the first step, and then i will help---- if they ask.
otherwise i just listen and marvel at how some of them think.
John Aquila
Londo, that experience by the CO is crazier than mine. How low can they go?
Thanks for the link.
The Angels will guide a nuclear bomb away from the Governing Body!
by John Aquila inthis is one major reason why i dont try to wake up anyone anymore.
they need to take the first step, and then i will help---- if they ask.
otherwise i just listen and marvel at how some of them think.
John Aquila
Why is religious propaganda dangerous?
Because people really believe it !!!!!
I mean think about it. What is this guy capable of with these fantasies rolling around in his head?
That's why thousands have died because of the blood doctrine----because they believe with all their heart that it's what God wants.
The Angels will guide a nuclear bomb away from the Governing Body!
by John Aquila inthis is one major reason why i dont try to wake up anyone anymore.
they need to take the first step, and then i will help---- if they ask.
otherwise i just listen and marvel at how some of them think.
John Aquila
This is one major reason why I don’t try to wake up anyone anymore. They need to take the first step, and then I will help---- if they ask. Otherwise I just listen and marvel at how some of them think.
Sad to say that, 30 years ago, I would have believed everything this elder was saying.
Oh how time and experience changes us as persons.
This morning I got into a lengthy in-depth discussion with an elder from one of my previous congregations. He believes Jehovah is giving special protection to the members of the governing body because they are the “Main” ones directing the important work of warning people of the coming destruction on the whole world.
This guy is so convinced, that he has an array of scriptures ready at his disposal to back up his belief.
At one point he used these scriptures to prove that the purpose of all the angels was to protect the Governing Body.
(Hebrews 1:14) . . .Are they not all spirits for public service, sent forth to minister for those who are going to inherit salvation. . .
(Psalm 34:7) . . .The angel of Jehovah is camping all around those fearing him, And he rescues them.
Then he tells me;
“Haven’t you ever wondered why the planes of 911 (Twin Towers) were directed to New York?”“Why New York, why not Washington D.C. where the U.S. President is?
Why not California where all the movie stars are?
At this point I had no idea where he was going with this. But I knew I wouldn’t have to go to Redbox today to get my new movie for the week, I was about to be entertained. So I just kept quiet and listened.
So he goes on;
“New York was the hub of Jehovah’s earthly work, no doubt all the angels were there or at least 90% of them were watching over the Governing Body” making sure that Satan does not harm them. If you do your research, and are humble, then you will understand why it was called “Bethel” Then he showed me these scriptures;
(Genesis 28:12-19) . . . look! there was a ladder stationed upon the earth and its top reaching up to the heavens; and, look! there were God’s angels ascending and descending on it. . .
This is nothing else but the house of God and this is the gate of the heavens.” So Jacob got up early in the morning and took the stone that was there as his head supporter and he set it up as a pillar and poured oil on the top of it. Further, he called the name of that place Beth′el;. . .
He goes on;
“That’s what 911 was really all about. Satan was directing those planes to the Watchtower headquarters but the Angels re-routed the planes to another direction.”
(Now let me stop here for a minute. I know what you all are going to say---(you could have said this or that, or I would have said this to him)
But to be honest, I was freaked out at what this guy was saying and how he was saying it. He was totally convinced. He was talking in a calm monotone voice. His eyes looked like he was in a trace as he stared straight at me.
I did ask him, “But what about all those innocent people” and he blew it off by saying; “Don’t worry about that, Jehovah can read hearts and will resurrected those that are worthy.”
He said a lot of other crazy stuff that I will omit, we talked for about an hour, but the last thing he said before he left was;
“You have no idea the great privilege we (JWS) have, to be working with the faithful and discreet slave in this time of the end. In fact I’m going to tell you a little secret. He opens his Bible and asks me if I remember this account;
(Matthew 20:20-23) . . .Then the mother of the sons of Zeb′e·dee approached him with her sons, doing obeisance and asking for something from him. 21 He said to her: “What do you want?” She said to him: “Give the word that these my two sons may sit down, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your kingdom.” 22 Jesus said in answer: “YOU men do not know what YOU are asking for. Can YOU drink the cup that I am about to drink?” They said to him: “We can.” 23 He said to them: “YOU will indeed drink my cup, but this sitting down at my right hand and at my left is not mine to give, but it belongs to those for whom it has been prepared by my Father.. . .
His final words were;
“More than likely, two of these brothers serving in the Governing Body, (will be the ones Jehovah will choose to sit on the right and on the left hand of Jesus.”)
“Think about that today”
Then he starts walking away to his car and comes to an abrupt stop, turns around quickly, looks at me and points his finger at my face, and says;
“Seriously, Think about it!”
Gets in his car, and drives away.
Holy F***----------What an experience!
I was actually entertained.
Something interesting!
by John Aquila ini was invited to a small get-together by a long time friend.
we both served as elders for years.
he is in his late 70s.
John Aquila
Village Idiot
I’m not sure why there were no younger ones. I grew up with this group of people in the organization. I’m headed toward my 70s and I went with this group of people to all the conventions since the late 60s early 70s. We all were anticipating 1975 together. We all worked on quick built Kingdom Halls. Most of us served as elders together. And back then we were all close and knew each other well since we traveled back and forth giving talks at each other’s kingdom halls.
Looking at it from my perspective, I rarely hanged out with any JWs younger than me. Mostly I hung out with those my age or older since I was one of the few young elders who was accepted by these older ones. I think it’s just like an age gap thing. They are just hanging around with their friends whom they grew up together.
Plus I don’t think there are many younger elders in their 50s who are interested in stuff like this. Most of them are still in and wouldn’t even dream of doing something like this. (Apostasy)
These guy are all retired, they hang around all day going to Wal-Mart, watching movies, reading the Bible, and reminiscing about Old times.
As far as them being a large group of jws getting together, I really don’t think it was a large group. Our old get-togethers were larger than that. We used to have get-togethers that were between 100-200 people until the WT put a stop to large gatherings. Those were the fun days for me. Then again I live in a majority Hispanic population and the English brothers and sisters embraced those type of gatherings.
I live in a city of about 700,000 population, and the city sits on the border of Juarez Mexico which has a population of about 1.5 million and there is a going back and forth for many of these people. I mentioned on my post that there were about---100-150--??? People at the get together. I mean, I didn’t go around and counted each one but I would say it was pretty close.
It’s actually not a great crowd that no man is able to number.
Plus remember, technically these guys/gals are still JWs. They are not DA/DF --They are just kind of something, and I really don't know what to call them. They still view themselves as Jehovah's Witnesses and they still embrace the main WT teachings, (Paradise Earth, etc.
Something interesting!
by John Aquila ini was invited to a small get-together by a long time friend.
we both served as elders for years.
he is in his late 70s.
John Aquila
Those narratives did have happy endings, though, remember?
God punished said hypocritical and corrupt leadership... using elements of Satan's World.So can we expect this to happen to those in charge of the Watchtower?
(2 Kings 10:6, 7) . . .Now the sons of the king, seventy men, were with the distinguished men of the city that were bringing them up. 7 And it came about that as soon as the letter came to them, they went taking the sons of the king and slaughtering [them], seventy men, after which they put their heads in baskets. . .
Something interesting!
by John Aquila ini was invited to a small get-together by a long time friend.
we both served as elders for years.
he is in his late 70s.
John Aquila
How 'bout "the internet is mightier than the sword"? Smirk:
Totally agree. I believe if it wasn't for the internet, I would be just be getting home from field service and preparing my talk for the TMS tonight.
Thank you internet!
Special Pioneer Couple Living at a Kingdom Hall In Miami FL, get the dreaded Letter
by James Jack injust got a phone call from an older sister saying that a couple that got re-assigned from bethel 4 years ago to live at their kh apartment as special pioneers, just received a letter saying "as of january 2016, your special pioneer assignment will be discontinued".. they live in a south miami kh(snapper creek congregation).. this couple had only served in bethel for 15 years before they were sent out into the special pioneer work.
they are now in their mid 50's and the sister said that they have to find part time jobs to support themselves.. the older sister (does not have a pc or internet), says that the couple are just devastated!
John Aquila
When my spouse was laid off 2x's over the past few years....guess what? She/he had to go find another job! Welcome to the real world. Welcome to our world!!
I was thinking the same thing, I can't count the times when I would give people like CO, SP who visited the Hall a few hundred dollars. They didn't have to worry about car, house, life, health insurance payments, rent, utilities, food bills, etc. just saying.
Ha ha, I know, I had to throw a joke in there. You know the WT says 50s is the NEW 20s!15 t 4= 19